Newport LockdownTM




The invitation to a campus Christmas fancy dress party led to Will, Alex, Paul and Reg attending as a group of 70's Cops. As each had their own particular individual style of costume, character names were chosen and assigned. Sure enough, very soon afterwards a script for their film debut was developed. Cheech, Groucho, Knuckles and Sarge needed a name for their collective, and so Newport Lockdown was born. The film became a pilot episode as it were, and plans are in conjunction for a sequel. The show is a type of 'Mock-umentary', which has been likened by some to BBC 2's 'Operation Good Guys' and follows the trials and tribulations of this hap-hazard police squad.   

Are you sitting comfortably?  Then I'll begin..........



"The year is 1975. The Utopian ideal of Newport has been overrun be 'The Rat', a devilish mastermind, intent on filling the town with shell-suit wearing townies.

 Four fearless cops stand in his way, the Newport Lockdown Squad. 

Will they succeed? Only time will tell."




Learn more about 'The Squad'

Groucho               Knuckles              Cheech                    Sarge

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